Saturday, March 19, 2011

Petraeus reveals son has served in Afghanistan

Army 2nd Lt. Stephen Petraeus looks into a box for suspicious items during a search in Chak District, Wardak province, Afghanistan. Army Gen. David Petraeus revealed that he has a special ally in his belief that U.S. war objectives are important: his son, Stephen, whose recent combat tour was kept
Army 2nd Lt. Stephen Petraeus looks into a box for suspicious items during a search in Chak District, Wardak province, Afghanistan. Army Gen. David Petraeus revealed that he has a special ally in his belief that U.S. war objectives are important: his son, Stephen, whose recent combat tour was kept "very quiet.
Petraeus reveals that son served in Afghanistan
The Associated Press
Posted : Wednesday Mar 16, 2011 17:33:02 EDT
WASHINGTON — Challenged by a congressman to “be honest” about how long American troops might have to fight in Afghanistan, Army Gen. David Petraeus revealed that he has a personal stake in ensuring that the U.S. war objectives are met — his son, Stephen, whose recent combat tour was kept “very quiet.”
In an emotional exchange with Rep. Walter B. Jones, R-N.C., Petraeus said “if I ever felt that we couldn’t achieve our objectives,” he would be “very forthright” not only with his superiors in the military chain of command but also with President Barack Obama and members of the Congress.
Noting that Obama has said the U.S. will have combat troops out by the end of 2014, with the Afghan government in position to provide its own security, a skeptical Jones said he could imagine a senior military leader coming before Congress in 2015 and pleading for more time and more sacrifice.
“You know, 15, 16, 17 years, for God sakes, how much more can we take, how much more can we give treasure and blood?” Jones asked.
Petraeus replied: “I may not be at this table, probably won’t be, in 2015, but I’ll tell you that my son is in uniform, and Lieutenant Petraeus just completed a tour in Afghanistan, which thankfully we were able to keep very quiet, and left in November after serving as an infantry platoon leader. We’re very proud of what he did. He thinks he was doing something very important.”
His son, 2nd Lt. Stephen Petraeus, served in Afghanistan as a member of Alpha Company, 3rd Platoon, 1st Battalion, 503rd Infantry, 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team.

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