Monday, June 27, 2011

Norwegian fallen in Afghanistan

Never forget that other countries ... ones you would not think of as offensive countries fight for freedom in Afghanistan.

Norway is like Canada.  
We have no colonist ideology, no historical reasons to be in Afghanistan.  
We are there to simply help the Afghans.


This is the full list of Norwegian military fatalities since 2002

01-Apr-11Skare, SiriLt. Col53

27-Jun-10Eldjarn, AndreasNavy PO21Coastal RangersIED attack
27-Jun-10Tokle, SimenLieutenant24Coastal RangersIED attack
27-Jun-10Bolle, Trond AndreLt Cmdr41Naval CommandIED attack
27-Jun-10Lian,ChristianLieutenant31Coastal RangersIED attack
25-Jan-10Olsson, Joachim ClaesGrenader22Telemark BattalionIED attack
17-Apr-09Kolset, Trond PetterCaptain30Intelligence ServiceSuicide bomb
08-Nov-08Jørgensen, Kristoffer SørliPrivate22Home GuardIED attack
23-Jul-07Lau-Henriksen, Tor ArneLieutenant33Norwegian ArmyHostile fire
23-May-04Roedningsby, TommyGrenadier29Norwegian ArmyRPG attack
Poland is alot like Canada and Norway and we were allies with the free Norwegians and the free Polish that fought the Germans in World War 2.   Poland has lost many of its best in Afghanistan as well.

This is a full list of Polish military fatalities since 2002


02-JunMackowiak, JaroslawS-Corporal2717th Mechanised BgdeHostile fire
27-AprStaniaszek, PawelPrivate 1st292nd Mazovians EngineersIED attack
03-AprSpychala, BartoszWO391st Special Commando
22-JanPastusiak, MarcinPrivate 1st26Military PoliceIED attack
22-JanKnap , MarcinMedic34Medical ServiceIED attack

14-OctBorzyszkowski, AdamPrivate 1st281 Air CavalryMortar attack
27-SepKasprzak, KazimierzSergeant32Polish ArmyIED attack
06-AugTylenda, DariuszPrivate 1st31Polish ArmyIED attack
26-JunStypula,PawelCorporal262nd Sapper BrigadeIED attack
15-JunBukowski, GrzegorzPrivate 1st29Military PoliceRPG attack
12-JunGórka Milosz, AleksanderCorporal2525th Air Cavalry BrigadeHostile fire

19-DecKolek, MichalPrivate 1st22Not reportedHostile fire
09-OctGraczyk, SzymonPrivate 1st235 Engineer Regt.IED attack
09-OctSzyszkiewicz, RadoslawPrivate 1st225 Engineer Regt.IED attack
11-SepMarciniak, PiotrPrivate 1st306th AirborneHostile fire
09-SepPyc, ArturPrivate 1st2818 Air AssaultIED attack
04-SepPoręba, MarcinPlatoon ldr32Not Yet ReportedIED attack
10-AugAmbrozinski, DanielCaptain321st Air Assault CavalryHostile fire
10-FebRozmiarek, AndrzejWO3512th Mechanized BrigadeAccident

20-AugBrodzikowski, PawelPrivate 1st252nd Mazovians EngineersHostile fire
20-AugSujdak, WaldemarSr Corporal282nd Mazovians EngineersIED attack
20-AugSzwed, PawelPrivate 1st272nd Mazovians EngineersIED attack
20-JunMarczewski, RobertLieutenant28Assault BattalionSuicide bomb
08-AprPolitowski, GrzegorzPrivate 1st265th Engineering Regt.IED attack
26-FebKowalewski, HubertPrivate 1st2610th Armoured CavalryIED attack
26-FebSlowik, SzymonCorporal Snr3316th Air Assault Batt.IED attack

14-AugKurowski, LukaszLieutenant28Not reportedHostile fire

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