Monday, June 20, 2011

Whats the next steps for Canada in Afghanistan?

As part of the commitment to the future of Afghanistan, Canada is spearheading three key projects.

Security in Afghanistan is key to establishing conditions for progress in each of the priority areas and signature projects.
What Canada is doing

In southern Afghanistan, where the security environment is challenging, Canadian Forces personnel train the Afghan National Army (ANA) to become more capable and self-sufficient. Canadian Forces personnel and civilian police officers also train the Afghan National Police (ANP).
Mentoring and supporting the ANA is a key military task of NATO and the Canadian Forces. A well-led, well-trained, and well-equipped ANA is essential if the Afghan government is to assume responsibility for national and provincial security, and thus enable governance and development to progress.

Policing is a priority focus for Canada because a professional ANP is key to fostering stability and enhancing the rule of law in Afghanistan. A credible police service also enables Afghans to feel more safe and secure in their communities.

In addition, Canadian corrections officers train and mentor Afghan corrections personnel to reinforce security, and improve the working and living conditions for staff and prisoners. Progress has also been made in repairing and improving the infrastructure of corrections and training facilities.
Security fosters law and order, and effective governance, which in turn pave the way for economic development and reconstruction.

The next steps......

On November 16, 2010, Canada announced a new role for its continued engagement in Afghanistan from 2011 to 2014.
Building on the significant progress that has been achieved in the areas of security, diplomacy, human rights, and development, Canada’s work in 

Afghanistan after 2011 will focus on four key areas:
investing in the future of Afghan children and youth through development programming in education and health, thereby especially improving the lives of women and children;
advancing security, the rule of law, and human rights, including the provision of as many as 950 military and 45 police personnel to support and train Afghan security forces;
promoting regional diplomacy; and, 
helping deliver humanitarian assistance.

These areas of focus build upon Canada’s programming efforts from 2008 to 2011. Focused on national programming and centered in Kabul, these priorities support ongoing international efforts in Afghanistan, and they present an opportunity for Canada to continue its significant contribution.

Canada’s objective in Afghanistan remains the same: to support the Government of Afghanistan and help build a more secure, stable, and self-sufficient country.

Canada is building and repairing 50 schools in Kandahar province. 
Canada is training 3,000 teachers and working with the Afghan
government to strengthen the quality of education for Afghan children.

Eradication of polio:
Canada is committed to eradicating polio in Afghanistan and is working alongside the international community to eliminate this debilitating disease. 
Thousands of local teams go into neighbourhoods to vaccinate an estimated
seven million children each year.

Dahla Dam:
At the request of the Government of Afghanistan, Canada is repairing the country’s second largest dam—the Dalha Dam—and its irrigation system so Afghans in Kandahar province will have water to grow crops.
Thousands of seasonal workers earn money and learn valuable job skills for the future by working on the Dahla Dam and related projects, including agricultural work on fertile, irrigated land.

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