Saturday, July 2, 2011

POW Prisoners Of War have been part of war for centuries and we must do everything to save him

This image provided by IntelCenter Wednesday Dec. 8, 2010 shows a framegrab from a new video released by the Taliban containing footage of a man believed to be Spc. Bowe Bergdahl, the only known American serviceman being held in captivity in...
This image provided by IntelCenter Wednesday Dec. 8, 2010 shows a frame grab from a new video released by the Taliban containing footage of a man believed to be Spc. Bowe Bergdahl, the only known American serviceman being held in captivity in Afghanistan, a group that tracks militant messages on the Internet said Wednesday,
AP Photo

Their other sources inform them that he was captured by a Taliban group led by Maulvi Sangin, who has moved him to Ghazni ProvinceThe Guardian quoted sources who speculated about the increased difficulty of a rescue mission if Bergdahl had been smuggled across the nearby border into Pakistan. London Guardian July 2009
Just like the prisoners of old sometimes the only thing we can do is treat the prisoner's we have as humanely as possible as there is no other way
WAITING INTERROGATION, 199th LT INF BG by James PollockU. S. ArmyVietnam Combat Artists Program Team IV, (CAT IV 1967). Watercolor by Pollock depicts enemy suspects waiting interrogation during the Vietnam War. Courtesy National Museum of the U. S. Army.

Photobucket-Spc. Ahmed K. Altaie, 41 – Ann Arbor, Michigan – Army reservist assigned to Provincial Reconstruction Team Baghdad. On October 23, 2006, Altaie was categorized as Duty Status Whereabouts Unknown when he allegedly was kidnapped while on his way to visit family in Baghdad, Iraq. The Pentagon changed his status to missing-captured on December 11, 2006.
Photobucket-Pfc. Bowe R. Bergdahl, 23 – Ketchum, Idaho – 1st Battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division. Captured in Paktika province, Afghanistan, on June 30, 2009. The Pentagon declared him Duty Status Whereabouts Unknown on July 1, 2009, and his status was changed to Missing-Captured on July 3, 2009.
Photobucket-Issa T. Salomi, 60 – El Cajon, California – U.S. Defense Department civilian employee assigned to U.S. Forces – Iraq. The Pentagon declared Salomi returned to military control on March 25, 2010, two days after his release. Salomi, a linguist working for the U.S. military, had been unaccounted for since January 23, 2010. The Pentagon declared him Excused Absence Whereabouts Unknown on February 5, 2010, the same day an Iraqi militant group posted a video on the Internet claiming it had kidnapped Salomi and demanded that members of the Blackwater security company receive justice for crimes committed against Iraqis. After his release, the Shiite militant group posted a statement on the Internet saying Salmoi was released after the Iraqi government agreed to release four detained militants.

POW Bowe Bergdahl Captured
Visit the Bergdahl Family Website on Bowe at

Captured U.S. Soldier in Taliban Video Identified
Officials Say Captive Soldier Shown on Taliban Video Is Bowe Bergdahl, 23
July 19, 2009 
Department of Defense officials confirmed the identity of a captured American soldier in a video posted online Saturday by the Taliban.
Pfc. Bowe Bergdahl, 23, of Hailey, Idaho, went missing from his base in eastern Afghanistan on June 30. On July 3, officials declared him "missing-captured." Early in the video, a captor holds up the soldier's dog tag to the camera. Later Bergdahl states his name and hometown. Bergdahl is a member of 1st Battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, out of Fort Richardson, Alaska. Bergdahl is shown in the video sitting cross-legged with a shaved head eating a meal. During the footage, the camera frequently cuts back and forth to shots of Bergdahl answering questions in short, stilted sentences.

"I am scared -- scared I won't be able to come home," Bergdahl says in the video. "It is very unnerving to be a prisoner." Bergdahl, who appeared dressed in gray with the start of a beard, spoke of his family and the girlfriend he hopes to marry back home. For a moment, he began to break down and cry.
In subsequent shots, he was asked, "Any message to your people?"

He replied, "To my fellow Americans who have loved ones over here, who know what it's like to miss them, you have the power to make our government bring them home."
The 28-minute video features more question and answers about Bergdahl's view on the war, which he called extremely hard, and about Bergdahl's desire to learn more about Islam. The military first made Bergdahl's capture public on July 2, though he was believed captured on June 30.
A Department of Defense official told ABC News on Friday that if it hadn't been for the BBC reporting on the missing soldier on July 2, the military would have kept the capture quiet. The goal, he said, was to minimize the amount of information that might get back to his captors that might influence the military's search and recovery.
Please go to the families web site and do what you can to help out........


  1. Why is it that Pakistan can allow this prisoner can cross the border so easily?

  2. Great question Paul
    why the hell has he not been brought home yet .. politics ?? BS get this man home to his family .. what ever happen to " Leave No Man Behind" seems they have done more than their share & then some .. Sickening
