Thursday, August 4, 2011

Indian aircraft carrier and Chinese Aircraft carrier and their planes.

It almost comes as no surprise that to be a world power one must need a world class navy.

INS Vikrant

India started building one of the aircraft carrier in 2005.  They are called the Vikrant class and have a total of 3 planned.  Its unsure what aircraft would be deployed on the carrier but India may look to ordering 40 aircraft to replace its aging Harrier fleet.

Potential naval version of the HAL Tejas

The other options for the aircraft carriers could be the F35 C (carrier version),  F35, Super Hornet, Typhoon, Sae Gripen and may look to start the SU 33 program back up by building these planes in India.

Home grown Indian Light combat aircraft HAL Tejas
India is using the old Soviet Kiev class to practise carrier tactics.
Size comparisons of various ships
China is also looking at an aircraft carrier and is using the old Soviet aircraft carrier the Varyag.  Its goal is a multimission capabale ship that can help protect and project Chinese interests.

Chinese aircraft carrier use

Shi Lang (ex Varyag)

The aircraft for the Chinese aircraft carriers could be J15 flying shark.

J15 Flying Shark

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