Friday, August 12, 2011

What I got from Veteran Affairs.

I urge all Vets to simply think of ways to make changed that make sense and lets simply the process.  Its the only way forward.  Bickering betweeen charities and advocate programs solve nothing and from the outside it looks foolish.
Canadian wounded in action
This is not a golden handshake:

Blown up on January 15, 2006
I had 26 surgeries and became a double above the knee amputee.
I first walked in May 22, 2006
Burns to my hands and face.
Walking hands free in WRAMC
What I received from SISIP and VAC:
SISIP gave me 100% disability cheques based on two legs missing of $125 000.
($125 000 is paid to all amputees be it at the feet, through the ankle, below the knee and above the knee and at the nip.... each level is shockingly different......(up to a max of $250... no payments for triple amputees)
VAC then paid me 100% disability of a monthly payment of $3400 a month (non taxable) and an extra $1000 if my family stayed together.
In had to pay for my own stair lift and they were upset that i didn't get three quotes... the same for my ramp which was built by the military as VAC delayed construction so long I couldn't enter my own house.

Major Mark Campbell, who lost both legs in Afghanistan, is shown at the Military Museum in Calgary, Alta. for the Afghanistan: A Glimpse of War exhibition on Tuesday.
Capt M Campbell who fell under the old charter he has similar horror stories
Now someone who has the exact same injuries that I have gets:
SISIP pays $125 000 
VAC will not pay monthly payments
They do pay a lump sum payment of $250 adjusted to inflation (its now $270 000)
Upon retirement the soldier is to receive 75% of their lost wage paid in a taxable manner.

The old system was flawed and the new charter seems faulty but lets push for real simple changes.

Education programs that pay not only for undergraduate degrees (4 years)
Education programs for graduate programs

Right now its a 4 year program paid to a max of $20 000 over 4 years

Lump Sum should be an exceedingly high so that there is a trickle down effect for those that get 2% can actually get money they deserve for their injuries suffered in combat. 

Cpl. Ryan Elrick, a Canadian soldier who lost his legs in Afghanistan, is taking the federal government to court, saying the policy known as Universality of Service is discriminatory and unconstitutional. Elrick spent three years training as an intelligence officer following his wounding but has since been discharged from the military due to the policy, which states that all soldiers must be able to go into combat.

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