Sunday, September 18, 2011

DND tail wagging the Dog

As we see another case of civilians ruining the DND and as they congratulate themselves on wagging the dog once again do they really know that this is not the dog of the past.... this dog is combat proven and prepared to fight.

Suddenly after General Leslie says cut 11 000 Ottawa based employees the majority being civilian we have the bureaucracy running the show.

As well as the so called controversy of the Chief of Defence Staff using allocated resources in his role as CDS.

As the CDS gets close to the end of his term I wonder why they are doing this to him? 
There is your answer... bureaucrats release info saying the CDS is using the challengers as 
personal flights so they can change PUBLIC policy again.

They controlled the way returning soldiers returned to work (Universality of Service rules and regs) or were not allowed to... they are now pushing the political agenda to save their own jobs on the backs of soldiers once again.

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