Jacques Poulet - International Chicken of mystery
A few years ago a friend of mine who had gotten back from Afghanistan told me about a special little chicken that his daughter had sent over with him when he went on tour so he could send her photos and she would know he would be safe. His daughter named the chicken "Jacques Poulet" and he quickly became very popular so the guys decided to have some fun with it. All the captions you will see with each photo were sent along with it, enjoy.
Jacques is a auto enthuisist! after Jacques made his first Million selling some poor Polish invester "Golden Eggs", he then went out and bought a new ride! as Jacques put it "Dis Ryde ist so sexy, da ladys' no ow ist da man" |
Aw dis place is mine all mine, one day they wilt know who Jacques was, He was da richest Bird in day world
Jacques now has a new Afghan translator. Abdul Mohammed Wha Zoe. He is fluent in 9 languages. Jacques primary role in this part of the world is 1) The war on terrorism and 2) educating people of the value of eating pork. Or as Jacques would say "Puts la Polk on le folk" |
Dis es mi ami, he est sexy to no? |
This is a photo taken before Jacques was brought in for questioning on an apparent Steroid Scandel, he made a statment though his lawyer. "These Steroid Accus' are absured, I am grain fed, no preservatives here". at the time of the photo at hearing the accusation, he head butted a whooped that windows ass, The bird has rage, and lots of it... You be the judge... |
Jacques, Likes da Blings Bling, NO!
OUI!!!! |
Hey What you looki at? I don't inhale..
I am looking for mi frend, have you seen heem? No |
Aw der yo are, Mi frend, Ah yes we birdz does have lips! No? |
This is a beautiful day when a little girl can smile even when she's in pain. Her name is Mosapha. She is 7. You can't see it but her legs are badaged, and Jacques loves being around her. (The children at the hospital loved Jacques) |
Jacques later purchased a larger fleet of army vehicles, when question he said. "Yoo can never bee enuff safe, No?, I likes da one in da tan..." |
And they lived happily ever after?
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